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19 NOVEMBRE 2020
By Yann Albou. Working with Kubernetes on a local machine when you are a Dev or an Ops is not as easy as we could think. So, how to easily create a local Kubernetes cluster that would meet these needs ? At SoKube we heavily use k3d and k3s for these purposes. More than a […]
22 février 2023
En savoir plus08 SEPTEMBRE 2021
By Sébastien Féré. Over the last twenty years, Open Source Software components – powered by a vibrant Open Source community – have radically changed the way we develop software. A "proxy" instance of a Binary Repository can do much more than just caching artifacts. This article details some opportunities from security best practices to advanced […]
20 février 2023
En savoir plus20 FéVRIER 2023
By Fabrice Vergnenègre. Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash — TL;DR Who said practising GitOps always requires complex tooling and expensive infrastructure, even for simple scenarios ? In this article, we will demonstrate how to setup (and run) a GitOps environment with K3D and Argo CD for local development. Operating an application the GitOps way […]
20 février 2023
En savoir plus03 AOûT 2020
By Sébastien Féré. A few days ago, I passed the CKAD exam – the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer – and scored a respectable 95% and also got rewarded with the CKAD badge! I hope my story will help you either in getting your certification or in giving you the desire to pass one of the CNCF […]
20 février 2023
En savoir plus09 NOVEMBRE 2019
By Yann Albou. This blog post was originally published on Medium Docker, Containerd, CRI-O, are all about containers but what are the differences, the pros and cons and the purpose of having several « docker implementations », are they all kubernetes compatible. The multiplicity of container engines and tools like crictl, podman, buildha, skopeo, kaniko […]
20 février 2023
En savoir plus08 SEPTEMBRE 2021
By Yann Albou. This blog post was originally published on Medium Desired state is one of the core concepts of Kubernetes. Through a declarative or an imperative API (I will come back to this notion later) you describe the state of the objects (Pod, ReplicatSet, Deployment, …) that will run the containers. Kubernetes, via the […]
20 février 2023
En savoir plus28 JUIN 2020
By Yann Albou et Sébastien Féré. In this article, co-written with Sébastien Féré, we describe what GitOps is, its impacts in the company and an example of implementation. For french speakers, we did a talk at DevOpsDays Geneva 2020, presenting GitOps as a way to manage enterprise K8s and virtual machines: GitOps, from its inception […]
20 février 2023
En savoir plus03 SEPTEMBRE 2019
k3d est un wrapper pour lancer facilement un cluster Kubernetes en utilisant la distribution très légère Rancher k3s. Il s intègre particulièrement bien dans un environnement de développement lorsque vous souhaitez tester votre application avec les manifestes k8s en conditions réelles ou en tant qu administrateur pour valider des comportements ou évaluer de nouvelles fonctionnalités k8s.
20 février 2023
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