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Whether you are looking for interviews, analysis or technological advances, we have something for you!
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Read on to find out how the Cloud Native can expand your development horizons.
09 NOVEMBER 2019
By Yann Albou. This blog post was originally published on Medium Docker, Containerd, CRI-O, are all about containers but what are the differences, the pros and cons and the purpose of having several « docker implementations », are they all kubernetes compatible. The multiplicity of container engines and tools like crictl, podman, buildha, skopeo, kaniko […]
20 February 2023
More info08 SEPTEMBER 2021
By Yann Albou. This blog post was originally published on Medium Desired state is one of the core concepts of Kubernetes. Through a declarative or an imperative API (I will come back to this notion later) you describe the state of the objects (Pod, ReplicatSet, Deployment, …) that will run the containers. Kubernetes, via the […]
20 February 2023
More info28 JUNE 2020
By Yann Albou et Sébastien Féré. In this article, co-written with Sébastien Féré, we describe what GitOps is, its impacts in the company and an example of implementation. For french speakers, we did a talk at DevOpsDays Geneva 2020, presenting GitOps as a way to manage enterprise K8s and virtual machines: GitOps, from its inception […]
20 February 2023
More info03 SEPTEMBER 2019
k3d is a wrapper to easily launch a Kubernetes cluster using the very lightweight Rancher k3s distribution. It fits particularly well in a development environnement when you want to test your application with the k8s manifests in real condition or as an administrator to validate behaviours or evaluate new k8s features.
20 February 2023
More info