
The purpose of this training is to discover, understand and appropriate Grafana, the system that allows the visualization of data, an essential element in the implementation of an observability platform. It allows you to create dashboards and graphs from several sources including temporal databases such as Graphite, InfluxDB and OpenTSDB.
This one-day course explains the theory but above all consists of several labs allowing users to assimilate and understand the different use cases for implementation on their projects.


Formations Sokube Public Cible

1 day / Max 8 People *


Target Audience


This course combining theory and practice is intended for any company or team wishing to discover Grafana and the central role it can play in setting up an observability platform.

Formation SoKube Plan du cours

Course Outline *


  • Fundamentals of Observability
  • Discovery of Grafana
    • Overview
    • Organizations
    • Data sources
    • Dashboards
    • The different panels: gauge, stats, time-series, tables
    • Annotations
    • Variables
    • Alerts
  • Using transforms
    • Merge
    • Group By
    • Organize
  • Installation and Configuration of Grafana
    • Considerations for High Availability
  • To go further
    • Addressing the issue of scale

* Standard terms – Modifiable according to your configuration and your objectives

Formations Sokube sur Genève, Suisse et France


To get the most out of this course, you should have basic computer skills and the ability to install software on your computer with a non-blocking internet connection.


At SoKube, we are committed to providing you with the

best possible learning experience!


We believe it is important to emphasize practicality and individual support during our training courses so that you can learn at your own pace and a way suited to your abilities.

Our learning methods will also allow you to acquire the skills necessary to implement them successfully during your daily missions and projects.


We look forward to working with you!

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You are based in Switzerland, France or Europe, schedule an interview with one of our experts to find out more about the Sokube service or training offer.

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Do not hesitate to contact us for all your


+41 79 749 63 86

Rue Adrien-Lachenal 20-1207 Genève, Suisse