Kubernetes training – Geneva, Switzerland and France


Discover our Kubernetes training delivered by expert consultants. Whether you are a developer, system administrator or architect, this training will allow you to master the fundamental principles of Kubernetes, acquire practical expertise and fully exploit the full potential of this platform. Our interactive pedagogical approach includes hands-on labs and hands-on exercises, including deploying a production-grade application.


SoKube is certified by the CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation): KCSP (Kubernetes Certified Service Provider) and KTP (Kubernetes Training Partner)


KCSP Kubernetes Certified Service Provider                           KTP Kubernetes Training Partner



Kubernetes With CKAD and KTP

3 days / max 8 people* (4 days if CKAD option)


Target Audience


This course is intended for system administrators, operations, developers, architects and DevOps.

Automatisez le déploiement d’applications conteneurisées grâce à notre formation Kubernetes, K8s dispensée sur Genève, Suisse et France

Course Outline*


  • Introduction
    • Reminders about containers
    • Kubernetes ecosystem & CNCF landscape
  • Architecture overview
    • Kubernetes anatomy
    • Cluster topologies
  • API & Concepts
    • Kubectl and REST API
    • Core concepts, PODs
    • Controllers: deployments, stateful sets, daemon sets
    • Jobs and cron jobs
  • Application networking
    • Networking & K8s services
    • Ingresses
  • Configuration & Persistence
    • Injecting configurations (ConfigMaps)
    • Secrets and their limits
    • Volumes, persistent volumes and claims
  • Deployment, Scheduling & Lifecycle
    • Scheduling (node selectors, affinities, anti-affinities, resource limits, POD priorities…)
    • Deployments in details: scaling and upgrade strategies
  • Application packaging
    • Gitops approaches
    • Helm packaging
    • Kustomize
  • Create a local light-weight cluster for experimentation
    • Minikube
    • K3d
  • Observability mechanisms
    • K8s Probes
    • Init Containers
    • Kubernetes Dashboards
    • Logging strategies
  • Security
    • Namespaces
    • Authentication & RBAC (roles, cluster roles and their bindings)
    • Network Policies
    • External Registries
  • Operate & Troubleshoot Applications
    • Sticky notes to troubleshoot 99% of the most common issues
  • Use cases
    • Take a step back from technical implementations and discuss various use cases.
    • What questions should be asked? What design options should be considered?


* Standard terms – Modifiable according to your configuration and your objectives

Preparation for CKAD certification


This training can be extended to cover additional aspects and prepare attendees for the CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer) exam.
The aspects below are integrated into the previous plan. The course must be the same for all participants:

  • Security contexts
  • Admission controllers
  • Custom resources (CRDs)
  • Tips and exercices for the CKAD exam
  • Specific Labs


Kubernetes CKAD            CNCF Cloud Native Computing Foudation




To go further


We have a more advanced training on “Kubernetes Administration and Security” which will allow you to master the principles of administration and security in Kubernetes.


Training Kubernetes Admin et Security

Leader Developer, Architect, Chef de projets, DevOps ing assistant à une formation DevSecOps, Kubernets, Docker, ... sur Genève, organisée par Sokube



To get the most out of this course, you should have knowledge of Linux, Docker, and YAML. Each participant must have a laptop to carry out the practical work.



At SoKube, we are committed to bringing you the

best possible learning experience!


We believe it is important to emphasize practicality and individual support during our training courses so that you can learn at your own pace and a way suited to your abilities.

Our learning methods will also allow you to acquire the skills necessary to implement them successfully during your daily missions and projects.


We look forward to working with you!


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Let’s Talk & Meet


You are based in Switzerland, France or Europe, schedule an interview with one of our experts to find out more about the Sokube service or training offer.

Contact us

Do not hesitate to contact us for all your


+41 79 749 63 86


Rue Adrien-Lachenal 20-1207 Genève, Suisse